News & Stuff we've shared on FacebookGreeting

If you've missed any of our posts on FACEBOOK, don't panic, we'll pop them up here - we're all about sharing information and helping horses and we'll be doing some great series you won't want to miss!

This week we'll postuing a series on Laminitis. Last week we did a series on the importance of copper in your horses diet.









How Grass Affects Horses
It is not that horses can’t eat any grass. Horses have evolved over millions of years as herbivores and a large part of their diet is meant to be grass. But there is an enormous difference between the grass in the diet of the healthy wild horse who wanders over vast areas nibbling and browsing a large variety of older grasses, bushes and trees and the grass in the diet of the average domestic horse who is confined to small areas and forced to eat the regrowth; or worse; the heavily fertilised, so-called ‘improved’ grasses meant for rapid weight-gain and milk production of livestock!!
Read more....

Moulds & Myco-toxins

Symptoms of myco-toxin exposure and those of mineral imbalances can be similar and difficult to distinguish.
Both need to be addressed.

‘Myco’ is the Greek word for fungus so myco-toxins are ‘poisons or chemicals produced by fungi’.
Fungi or moulds produce myco-toxins when they are stressed by weather and moisture levels.

 Myco-toxins are potentially very harmful to all livestock including horses. Whilst the liver is very efficient at denaturing toxins, chronic or overwhelming assault will lead to various health problems especially when compounded by mineral imbalances.